Friday, March 18, 2011

For the Birds!

I am inspired today by the birds!  The temps have creeped into the 60's the last two days here in mid-ohio and I'm thrilled! I am not enjoying waking up to darkness again... (daylight savings time changed last weekend), but the patio door has been open and the sweet sounds of birds have been keeping me smiling all day.

Then, this morning, as I was doing my blog rounds, I happened onto Cottage Hill, a cute little blog, and, what do you know, she is giving away an adorable bird lamp in honor of her 100th post! That did it. I promptly got up, turned on the coffee pot and the camera came out.  I had no idea I had 6 birds of some sort or another on my first floor alone!  Who would have known?  I didn't even know I was a "bird" fan!  (unless of course, you read my other blog,  The Fab Five's, recent post, Slips, Squirrels, Snow and Spring,  which details a certain dedication to the outside little creatures!
So, here we go...
My most recent bird.  Home now in the new terrarium on the family room cocktail table....see Terrarium Transformation for more details! ($1. Dollar Store)
My little robin on an end table....
My wood carved "bird" ($1 Dollar Store), that sits next to my next project...a plate that is going to get chalkboard paint. 
In my formal Living Room (the one I can't wait to redo.) See Ideas.  This little bird has been with us for a very long time.  It always seems to find a home somewhere. 
By the front door, on the cupboard that is too little for the space. (Wow, I have a lot of projects, don't I?) Do you see him? On the top of the cage?
 Love it!
By the back door, welcoming the "back door" guests!
So, how many birds do you have in your home?
Do I beat you?


Amy Noykos said...

I love reading your blogs Julie! We love our birds at our house too - but ours are all real and right outside my kitchen window. Chip and I sit frequently at our kitchen table and watch them over coffee and good conversation! I'm also loving the fact that spring is near - the tree frogs have been singing for us now for about 4 days and it's truly a sign that spring is near!

Julie said...

Thanks Amy! I am loving writing them. It truly seems as inspiration comes in mysterious ways! I have so many ideas...but it sure takes time to create each one!!